Fallout new vegas dog companion mod
Fallout new vegas dog companion mod

fallout new vegas dog companion mod

He first accompanies the Courier for a while, before permanently returning to the Dead Horse's camp after a certain level of progress has been made.

  • Follows-Chalk, a novice scout for the Dead Horses tribe with wanderlust.
  • These companions are only available while playing the Honest Hearts add-on, they are only temporary and will not follow the Courier around as standard companions do:
  • Dog/God, a nightkin found in the Villa police station of the Sierra Madre.
  • Christine Royce, a mute ex- Brotherhood scribe found in a malfunctioning Auto-Doc at the Sierra Madre medical district.
  • He is found in the Residential District of the Sierra Madre.
  • Dean Domino, a ghoulified pre-War lounge singer.
  • These companions are only available while playing the Dead Money add-on, they are only temporary and will not follow the Courier around as standard companions do: He can be recruited after finishing Nothin' But a Hound Dog. He is suffering from neural degradation as his old brain decays.
  • Rex, a cyberdog in Freeside under the ownership of The King.
  • It can be found in Primm, in a non functional state, lying on the counter inside the Mojave Express, which is labeled in-game as "Nash Residence." ED-E requires 65 Repair (or 35 Repair if possessing a 55 Science skill) to fix it, or 3 pieces of scrap metal, two sensor modules, and some scrap electronics.
  • ED-E, a prototype eyebot designed for combat and reconnaissance operations.
  • She can be found at the 188 Trading Post.
  • Veronica Santangelo, a disillusioned Brotherhood Scribe.
  • Rose of Sharon Cassidy (also known as Cass), a former caravan merchant and the daughter of John Cassidy.
  • Raul Alfonso Tejada, a ghoul mechanic and former gunslinger held hostage by Tabitha, the mad leader of the State of Utobitha.
  • She can be recruited in Jacobstown after gaining the quest Guess Who I Saw Today.
  • Lily Bowen, a friendly nightkin and former assassin in the Master's army.
  • fallout new vegas dog companion mod

    Can be recruited after completing One for My Baby and choosing particular dialogue. He can be found at night in the dinosaur at Novac. Craig Boone, a former NCR 1st Recon sniper with a grudge against Caesar's Legion and a chip on his shoulder.Arcade Israel Gannon, a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse in 2281 who can be found in Freeside's Old Mormon Fort.All permanent companions have a unique quest line that can be followed in order to "upgrade" them, usually giving them new armor or new perks. It is possible to have up to two legitimately acquired companions in the party (one humanoid and one non-humanoid). From left to right: Rex, Cassidy, Raul (Vaquero outfit), Lily, Boone (assault armor), ED-E, Veronica, and Arcade. All eight permanent companions in Fallout: New Vegas.

    Fallout new vegas dog companion mod